Far too many drivers neglect to maintain sufficient insurance coverage due to financial constraints, which is why it is essential to take proactive steps to protect yourself in the case of an accident. Policy additions like Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM), which pays for your injuries and damages following a collision with an uninsured motorist, can make the difference in obtaining financial compensation.
What Does UM Coverage Do?
A UM policy will cover your bodily injuries following an accident with a driver who does not have insurance, or does not carry enough liability insurance to adequately compensate your injuries. UM policies also can provide coverage in the case of a hit and run. In Florida, the default for UM coverage is typically the same as your bodily injury liability limit, stackable by the number of household vehicles; meaning if you have a $100,000 liability policy with two household vehicles, you can purchase UM coverage in the amount of $100,000 x 2, or $200,000. Consumers have the option to elect un-stackable UM, or UM in an amount lower than their liability cover; but, this is not something we recommend.
Why Do I Need It?
The simple answer is that accidents happen, and when they do, you want to be sure you are protected. According to the Insurance Information Institute, over 20% of Florida drivers were uninsured in 2019—the sixth highest rate of uninsured motorists. This means that anytime you are on the road, you have a one in five chance of being involved in a collision with a driver who may not be able to pay for your medical expenses after causing your injury. UM coverage is an important safeguard against this negligent behavior.
How Can I Get It?
Adding UM coverage to your existing auto insurance policy is, typically, relatively inexpensive, and the peace of mind it provides is invaluable. If you have questions regarding this or any other insurance coverage, don’t hesitate to contact your agent today.
Nance Cacciatore encourages all of our clients to protect themselves against negligent drivers on the road by recommending they obtain sufficient insurance coverage. Our team is here to help you recover the compensation you need following an accident. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your options by calling 321-777-7777.