Wrongful death is caused as a result of the negligent actions of another. This may be an accident caused by a fall, road accidents, slips and falls or even injury leading to death at the workplace.
When the victim of an injury dies as a result of the accident, the death is said to be wrongful and his or her family and defendants are entitled to compensation.
Under Florida laws, for instance, the family of the deceased person including their spouse, children and even parents, can claim on behalf of the victim. Contact a Melbourne, Florida wrongful death attorney if you are dealing with the tragic loss of a loved one.
The death of a loved one is always frustrating and stressful. While there are emotional feelings to deal with, there is also the urge to seek justice for the deceased person. Among the things which the family of the deceased can claim include economic damages for the medical expenses incurred, funeral expenses and lost wages.
They could also recover non-economic damages such as damages for loss of companionship and emotional suffering. Where the death of the deceased was caused by an intentional act, his or her survivors may also claim for damages of a punitive nature. For anyone who would like to see justice done for their loved one, looking for a lawyer who is competent in handling wrongful death cases should be the first step.
The first thing the attorney will do is determine the party responsible for the wrongful death of your loved one. This is because in certain cases it is very difficult to prove that death was wrongful. To make it even more complicated sometimes the blame lies with more than one party. Identifying the responsible party is important as it will make it easy to prove the case against them.
If you choose an attorney who has experience in wrongful death matters he or she will be better placed to help you in estimating the amount of damages to expect from the responsible party. The attorney will be your representative when the damages are calculated by the responsible party and the insurance company. A good lawyer will not only represent you effectively at the meeting but he or she will ensure that you get fair compensation for the death of your loved one.
Florida’s wrongful death claims are taken to court for determination. In court, your attorney will be your spokesperson. You have to choose an attorney who has good communication skills and one who is conversant with the court’s procedures. There is normally plenty of paperwork to work on during the process and this is where an attorney comes in very handy. He or she will file the required documents in court and follow up any communication from the other side.
Wrongful death claims are very common but the good news is that there is recourse for those who get affected by the loss of their loved ones. Choosing a good attorney in Florida will make the whole process easier.