Brevard County’s
Oldest Injury Law Firm

Online Meetings with Our Clients During COVID-19

As you are well aware, we are in the midst of a pandemic.  Although other viruses have been considered pandemics, such as the H1N1 virus, the COVID-19 virus is the first pandemic since the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918, which has affected the everyday lives of everyone in our country. Many businesses, considered “non-essential” have […]

TBI – What Is It and Can It Involve a Lawsuit?

It seems like everything has an abbreviation for it these days.  We promise to BRB because we are busy LOLing and will have to TTYL.  What in the world did that just say, you may be wondering.  In “real words” it said, “We promise to be right back because we are busy laughing out loud […]

Debunking Driving Myths – Truth or Fiction

Part of being a good driver is knowing not just the basic rules of the road, but it is also knowing all those other little details that go along with driving.  Over the years, some beliefs about driving have become ingrained in our culture.  Perhaps it is because it was taught to us as young […]

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